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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is Radiation Treatment For Lung Cancer Your Only Option?

Cancer is a very big problem, I do not have to tell you that and more and more people get cancer. 50 years ago, cancer was rare, but now it seems that everyone is either directly or indirectly affected by it. There are several ways to treat cancer, some of them are more dangerous, then others. Radiation therapy is considered safer, then for example chemotherapy. So is radiation treatment for lung cancer, your best option?

Have you noticed that doctors are not talking about curing cancer, but treating cancer. Conventional cancer treatments are used to treat cancer, as long as possible and hopefully then the patient will get rid of cancer. There is no question in anyone´s mind, that drug companies control cancer treatments and what ever they say, has to be done, because they have the money.

Radiation therapy may be better than chemotherapy, but someone really wants to be cured of cancer, then these methods are not going to cut it. Or if these methods are going to be used then, they can be many times more effective, by simply using some natural and alternative treatments, vitamins, minerals and supplements.

There are hundreds of alternative and natural cures that are very simple, cheap and effective. Since these methods are not used by conventional medicine, then it means they are not looking out for your best interests. The more expensive and the more money a certain treatment brings in the more it is pushed and pushed, until it is excepted. Not looking into other ways to treat and cure cancer, besides the 2-3 methods, like radiation therapy, is not a very wise thing to do.

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