Mesothelioma - Not Always Asbestos
It's no secret that things we take for granted every day are man made materials. Most of the time we never even give pause to think about what the objects we interact on a daily basis is made from. Most everything, with few exceptions, is made from chemicals. This is rarely a concern, until it is discovered that a certain chemical can cause medical problems. However, even natural substances can sometimes cause us our bodies harm.
Asbestos is one of the most useful earth materials. However, due to its poisonous content, several countries have banned the use of asbestos. Excessive exposure to this kind of material can cause lung diseases such as lung cancer or mesothelioma. The latter is the common disease caused by too much inhalation of asbestos fibers, powder, dust, or other forms that asbestos may have been breathed into the lungs.
Weight loss, chest pain, fever, fatigue, hoarseness, or coughs are some common symptoms different diseases. However, they are also the symptoms of this lung disease. When a person suffers from mesothelioma, fluid can surround the lungs. In some cases, the mesothelioma may even cause the lung to collapse. This list is by no means conclusive of symptoms associated with mesothelioma. It is highly advised that if you were exposed to asbestos for long periods of time and you think you may be at risk for it, that you talk to a doctor immediately.
Mesothelioma can be detected through medical tests such as an MRI, chest X-rays or CT scans. Cytology and biopsy can also detect the presence of abnormal cells and fluids in the lungs. If this disease is not immediately treated, the lungs will probably collapse.
Since asbestos causes this kind of serious disease, some countries such as New Zealand, Brazil, Australia, and the U.K banned this kind of material. Many people believe that the United States banned it. However, it never was. The Environmental Protection Agency spent millions researching and reporting on the dangers and risks associated with asbestos. Unfortunately, a Federal Court ruled that there was not sufficient evidence to warrant a ban. This is still a sore spot with the EPA to this day.
However, there are some cases wherein this disease is caused by any kind of fibrous silicates instead of asbestos, although the percentage is only minimal.
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