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Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Severe is the Mesothelioma Disease?

Mesothelioma is a rare but highly aggressive form of cancer and each year, there are between two and three thousand people diagnosed. The number of new cases is expected to increase over the next ten years. There is only one known cause of the cancer, and that is exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral, which was valued for its durability, fire resistance and insulating properties. It was widely used during the first three quarters of the twentieth century. There were many kinds of products manufactured during this time using asbestos fibers, including concrete, textiles and insulation.

Mesothelioma attacks the membranes that cover the lungs, abdominal cavity and internal organs of the body. There are three main types. The most common type is pleural mesothelioma. This type occurs when asbestos fibers invade the cells of the membrane covering the lungs, known as the pleura.

The second most common type of this cancer is peritoneal mesothelioma, which attacks the peritoneum, or membrane covering the abdominal organs. The rarest type of the asbestos cancer is pericardial mesothelioma, which attacks the membrane covering the heart, or the pericardium.

Treatment for this type of cancer has had little success. Because the asbestos cancer is so fast growing, it is often not diagnosed until the later stages of the disease, when the chance of patient survival is poor. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often given in conjunction with surgery. The chance of being cured with these treatments is slight, and surgery and radiation are often used to simply provide relief from pain and other symptoms. A fairly new type of chemotherapy, called heated chemotherapy, does show some promise for peritoneal mesothelioma.

The chemotherapy drugs are heated and infused into the peritoneum, making it easier for the cancer cells to absorb the chemicals and be killed by them. But sadly, for most people suffering from asbestos cancer, the prognosis remains poor.

Asbestos products were widely manufactured and used for the first three quarters of the twentieth century, in spite of the fact that the manufacturers knew the health risks. Mesothelioma is often not discovered for years or even decades after exposure to asbestos fibers.

Asbestos is still found in many older buildings, continuing to put many at risk for exposure. Unfortunately, cancer from asbestos will continue to be a health threat for many years into the future, but with stricter regulations, not as much as it has been in the past.

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Mesothelioma - The Deadly Cancer Related to Asbestos

Today while surfing through Internet I came across a new term (at least for me), that's Mesothelioma. It is a form of Cancer that is caused by physical exposure to Asbestos (a metal used mainly to build bullet proof jackets and fire fighting suits and equipments, as this metal is fire resistant). Most of the internal organs in our body are protected with a layer that is known as Mesothelium, but it is mainly found in lungs, chest, abdominal and heart (though the terms used for each layer related to each organ is different). Mostly lungs are the sensitive organs that are effected by this disease most.

Mostly people who are involved in some sort of jobs that involve asbestos are the ones who get affected. When someone inhales particles of asbestos while working in such kind of jobs these particles reach their lungs. Not only that other people like family members of one who works with some asbestos related job can also get affected, like when washing their cloths etc. So you can imagine how deadly it is. Some people link this disease with smoking which has no fact at all. It is not at all related to smoking.

Symptoms of this disease include shortness of breath, chest pain and weight loss also. These are major symptoms of this disease. The diagnosis is simple, through x-ray and ct scan, and can be confirmed with a biopsy of tissue sample and microscopic examination. There are other ways also like examining by inserting a small camera with the help of a tube into the chest. Though its detection seem simple, most of the times it is not detected at early stages. Main therapies for this disease are same as any other cancer like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and in some cases surgery.

I am not a doctor, neither I am anyway related to Medics and all. I just came across this useful information through different resources on Internet, so I compiled it in easy language that a common man understands and put it here so that I can make all of you a bit aware of this, specially those who are in this kind of fields which deal with asbestos.

And interestingly, I came across one more thing, that is law's perspective on Mesothelioma. In their attempt to curb harmful effects of asbestos on human body most of the countries like USA, Australia, UK, New Zealand, France, Canada, Brazil etc. has already banned use of asbestos or products related to use of asbestos long back. But the cause of concern is that developing countries like India are still doesn't seem concerned about it. It is still used in various countries.
As it is evident that this metal is dangerous, people who used to work in such jobs that involve use of asbestos have sued their employers lately when they suffered because of it, even now, in countries where asbestos is not banned, labourers sue their employers for compensation when they get affected. In US, govt. is so strict about it that they take it as criminal offense as follow criminal proceedings against employers who engage workers with jobs envolving asbestos.
Interesting, in various countries, lots of lawsuits are filed related to this because of which a number of lawyers have become specialised layers of Mesothelioma, they are known as mesothelioma lawyers.

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