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Saturday, March 28, 2009

After Diagnosing Mesothelioma - The Next Step

Select an attorney with good knowledge about the case, understands the case properly, and knows the ways to get the compensation money from your Mesothelioma case. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused due to exposure to asbestos. Companies or the people using asbestos are responsible directly for causing mesothelioma. Mesothelioma could have been prevented if asbestos was not used by such people. Hire a experienced mesothelioma attorney to file a lawsuit against the companies or people responsible for releasing asbestos in air or even using asbestos. Mesothelioma lawyer will know the technique in reaching a settlement easily and the success of the lawsuit can bring some peace of mind to the mesothelioma sufferers and their family. The money can be used to recover medical bills, take care of other arrangements, and put your life back together if you have lost someone due to Mesothelioma.

Many costs would be linked with mesothelioma, and you shouldn't have to deal with them alone. So getting a mesothelioma attorney is very important. Remember to find a right lawyer and get started as soon as possible. There are many ways to find a right lawyer like internet search, yellow pages, etc. The attorney should be trustable, be in contact with the attorney to know where your case has reached and to get the money that you deserve. Mesothelioma is a dangerous cancer, but you should make the companies pay for their irresponsibility.

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Mesothelioma, The Greatest Workplace Hazard Ever

Mesothelioma is type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was being used in the construction industry for a long time due to its fire resistant characteristic and cheap cost. A major problem started arising when the asbestos particles inhaled by people started to threaten their lives. Mesothelioma is a killer disease caused mostly by exposure to asbestos. A number of people have succumbed to mesothelioma since the early 1800s, because back then, no one knew it was caused by asbestos exposure. Shortness of breath due to pleural effusion is a very common symptom of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is the development of malignant cells in the mesothelium which is a protective covering that covers all the internal organs. Mesothelioma usually affects the pleura of the lungs but can also occur in the peritoneum and the pericardium. Diagnosing a person with mesothelioma is a bit tricky although CT scans and X-rays of the chest would come in handy. Mesothelioma was quiet common in miners and factory workers who were working in asbestos mines and mills. But dust from asbestos could even enter a person's wind pipe who wasn't working in asbestos mines and mills and do its deed.

It was back in 1929 that the first ever law suit was filed against an asbestos manufacturer and the claim was settled. But the attorneys who dealt the case agreed not to deal with more of such cases and stuck to their part of the bargain. Law suits have been in court houses in every part of the United States for ages now and billions of dollars have been awarded as compensation to those unlucky few who contradicted the killer disease. Treatment of mesothelioma hasn't been proved to be a cure even though it has extended the survival time of those doomed souls.

The United Kingdom banned the use of brown and blue asbestos back in 1985 and the use of chrysotile asbestos was banned in 1999. Mostly all the developed countries have banned the use of asbestos because it has posed such a big threat to the health of the human race. People who get affected with mesothelioma get a pretty good chance of suing those responsible for making them exposed to the deadly asbestos dust. This asbestos dust is common in junk yards, old ship yards and construction material manufacturing units. Even inhaling asbestos dust is more than enough to ruin a person's health and life.

Between 1940 and 1979 an astounding 27.5 million people were exposed to asbestos which is the main cause of them living their nightmare with mesothelioma. Those millions of people have been filing cases against those responsible for their exposure to the killer asbestos dust and have been receiving handsome settlement sums from the companies responsible for their ailments and deaths of their loved ones. Even the Kent brand of cigarettes used asbestos in their filters way back in the 1950s, which added to the death toll of mesothelioma patients who lost their lives, which also resulted in millions of dollars in legal settlements.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

The Top 5 Ways to Prevent Lung Cancer

Lung cancer takes a huge toll on the healthcare resources and also in terms of loss of hours at the workplace. Lung cancer accounts for more than a million deaths annually. Knowing what are the risk factors for lung cancer and preventing the same can go a long way in reducing the number of deaths from lung cancer.

Here are 5 sure shot ways of reducing the incidence of lung cancer.

1. STOP smoking NOW: Smoking causes 87% of all lung cancers and quitting smoking has several benefits chief among which is preventing lung cancer. If you are a smoker you should consider quitting now and if that is difficult get some help but do please quit smoking.

2. Fruits and Vegetables: Your diet should include a large portion of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain anti-oxidants and flavonoids that help protect the DNA of cells and also repair damaged cells.

3. Get your homes tested for Radon: Radon is a breakdown product of Uranium. Radon is an inert gas and cannot be seen, felt, smelled or tasted. As more and more houses are getting built over Uranium deposits that occur naturally in the soil it is a must that your homes are tested for Radon levels. Radon is a strong risk factor for lung cancer.

4. Workplace exposure: Knowing what you are being exposed to in the workplace is a must. Gasoline, diesel exhaust, arsenic, beryllium. Vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, coal products, mustard gas, and Chloromethyl ethers are all carcinogens and can be found in some work environments. Fumes, dust and chemicals are all too common in the workplace and talk to your employer about limiting your exposure to these noxious agents.

5. Passive smoking: Second-hand smoke is smoke that is given out by a smoker or smoke from a lit cigar or cigarette. This contains over 60 known carcinogens that interfere with normal cell development and leads to subsequent lung cancer.

Follow these 5 steps today and enjoy a life free from lung cancer.

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